Tuesday 10 May 2016

Albums to ease your revision

It's exam season and that means one thing; revision. There's nothing worse than revising in silence, you go crazy. I find revising to albums I don't know too well (so can't sing along and get distracted) help me stay in the zone. It's nice to change things up every so often to keep it interesting!

So, here are my top albums to revise to at the moment:

  1. Sept. 5th - dvsn. Turns out dvsn is signed to OVO (drake's label) so it's no wonder I'm enjoying this. It's a very slow and chilled album so easy to make notes to. 
  2. Know-it-all - Alessia Cara. Her voice makes me feel really happy and positive, so maintains good vibes for revision. 
  3. You Should Be Here - Kehlani. Kehlani's back story makes me feel a lot of things, and even that, the thought behind her album, is really good for keeping motivated. Her words often make me feel able to tackle any obstacle, so helps when studying and losing motivation. Plus, her voice is relaxing so is good when you're panicking. 
  4. Views - Drake. I'm already overplaying this album so no doubt soon I'll have to stop revising to it. But drake's voice keeps me calm and this album is full of good songs - good for the boring revision topics. 
  5. Beautiful Lies - Birdy. Not my usual taste in music but great for revision. I find this really nice background noise but not too distracting. 
  6. Take me to the alley - Gregory Porter. Also not my usual kind of thing, but a really happy and soulful album which keeps you upbeat when doing work. Got lots of good instrumentals too. 
  7. Souled Out - Jhene Aiko. Jhene Aiko is my go to artist if I need some soothing music - her voice is good for the soul. This album helps concentration and keeps you in the focused zone. 
  8. Twenty88 - Twenty88. Jhene Aiko and Big Sean teamed up for this one and it really works. Some songs you need on a little quieter to stop distraction but overall it really works. Similar in a sense to souled out but a little more upbeat with the addition of Big Sean. 
Hope that's a little bit helpful and eases the bore of revision season. What are your favourite albums to revise to?

India x

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